
Choosing a Python Image

Before we start running tests, we need to choose a python image.

First generate a maelstrom-pytest.toml file

maelstrom-pytest --init

Then update the image in the file to have the version of Python you desire.

image = "docker://python:3.11-slim"

The default configuration and our example uses an image from Docker

Including Your Project Python Files

So that your tests can be run from the container, your project's python must be included. Update the added_layers in the file to make sure it includes your project's Python.

added_layers = [ { glob = "**.py" } ]

This example just adds all files with a .py extension. You may also need to include .pyi files or other files.

Including pip Packages

If you have an image named "python", maelstrom-pytest will automatically include pip packages for you as part of the container. It expects to read these packages from a test-requirements.txt file in your project directory. This needs to at a minimum include the pytest package



Running Tests

Once you have finished the configuration, you only need invoke maelstrom-pytest to run all the tests in your project. It must be run from an environment where pytest is in the Python path. If you are using virtualenv for your project make sure to source that first.