The Job Specification

Each job run by Maelstrom is defined by a job specification, or "job spec" for short. Understanding job specifications is important for understanding what's going on with your tests, for troubleshooting failing tests, and for understanding test runners' configuration directives and maelstrom-run's input format.

This chapter shows the specification and its related types in Rust. This is done because it's a convenient format to use for documentation. You won't have to interact with Maelstrom at this level. Instead, clients will have analogous configuration options for providing the job specification.

This is what the JobSpec looks like:

fn main() {
pub struct JobSpec {
    pub container: ContainerRef,
    pub program: Utf8PathBuf,
    pub arguments: Vec<String>,
    pub timeout: Option<Timeout>,
    pub estimated_duration: Option<Duration>,
    pub allocate_tty: Option<JobTty>,

This is what ContainerRef and ContainerSpec looks like:

fn main() {
pub enum ContainerRef {

pub struct ContainerSpec {
    pub image: Option<ImageSpec>,
    pub environment: Vec<EnvironmentSpec>,
    pub layers: Vec<LayerSpec>,
    pub devices: EnumSet<JobDevice>,
    pub mounts: Vec<JobMount>,
    pub network: JobNetwork,
    pub root_overlay: JobRootOverlay,
    pub working_directory: Option<Utf8PathBuf>,
    pub user: UserId,
    pub group: GroupId,

A JobSpec needs the information defined by a ContainerSpec to run, this information can be provided "inline" with the JobSpec or via the name of a previously saved ContainerSpec.


fn main() {
pub struct JobSpec {
    pub program: Utf8PathBuf,
    // ...

This is the path of the program to run, relative to the working_directory. The job will complete when this program terminates, regardless of any other processes that have been started.

The path must be valid UTF-8. Maelstrom doesn't support arbitrary binary strings for the path.

If program does not contain a /, then the program will be searched for in every directory specified in the PATH environment variable, similar to how execlp, execvp, and execvpe work.

The program is run as PID 1 in its own PID namespace, which means that it acts as the init process for the container. This shouldn't matter for most use cases, but if the program starts a lot of subprocesses, it may need to explicitly clean up after them.

The program is run as both session and process group leader. It will not have a controlling terminal unless allocate_tty is provided.


fn main() {
pub struct JobSpec {
    // ...
    pub arguments: Vec<String>,
    // ...

These are the arguments to pass to program, excluding the name of the program itself. For example, to run cat foo bar, you would set program to "cat" and arguments to ["foo", "bar"].


fn main() {
pub struct ContainerSpec {
    // ...
    pub image: Option<ImageSpec>,
    // ...

pub struct ImageSpec {
    pub name: String,
    pub use_layers: bool,
    pub use_environment: bool,
    pub use_working_directory: bool,

The optional image field lets one define a job's container based off of an OCI container image. See here for more information.


The name field is a URI in the format defined here.


A use_layers value of true indicates that the job specification should use the image's layers as the bottom of it's layers stack. More layers can be added with the job specifications layers field.


A use_environment value of true indicates that the job specification should use the image's environment variables as a base. These can be modified with the job specification's environment field.


A use_environment value of true indicates that the job specification should use the image's working directory instead of one provided in the job specification's working_directory field. If this flag is set, it is an error to also provide a working_directory field. It is also an error to set this flag with an image that doesn't provide a working directory.


fn main() {
pub struct ContainerSpec {
    // ...
    pub environment: Vec<EnvironmentSpec>,
    // ...

pub struct EnvironmentSpec {
    pub vars: BTreeMap<String, String>,
    pub extend: bool,

The environment field specifies the environment variables passed to program. This will be a map of key-value pairs of strings.

To compute the environment-variable map for a job, the client starts with either an empty map or with the environment variables provided by an image provided by the image field, and then only if the use_environment flag is set. This map is called the candidate map.

Then, for each map provided by an EnvironmentSpec element, it performs parameter expansion and then merges the resulting map into the candidate map. Once this has been done for every EnvironmentSpec element, the candidate map is used for the job.

Merging Environment-Variable Maps

If the extend flag is false, then the element's newly-computed environment-variable map will overwrite the candidate map.

If the extend flag is true, then the element's newly-computed environment-variable map will be merged into the candidate map: All variables specified in the element's map will overwrite the old values in the candidate map, but values not specified in the element's map will be left unchanged.

Environment-Variable Parameter Expansion

Parameter substitution is applied to The values provided in the EnvironmentSpec maps. A parameter has one of two forms:

  • $env{FOO} evaluates to the value of the client's FOO environment variable.
  • $prev{FOO} evaluates to the value of the FOO environment variable in the partially-computed map, without this map applied.

It is an error if the referenced variable doesn't exist. However, :- can be used to provide a default value, like $env{VAR:-default}.

Environment-Variable Examples

Here are some examples of specifying the environment variable map.

The simplest example is when a single element is provided and either the image field is not provided or the use_environment flag is false. In this case, the variables specified will be provided to the job.

[{ "vars": { "FOO": "foo", "BAR": "bar" }, "extend": false }]
[{ "vars": { "FOO": "foo", "BAR": "bar" }, "extend": true }]

Both of these will result in job being given two environment variables: FOO=foo and BAR=bar.

We can use the $env{} syntax to import variables from the client's environment. It can be useful to use :- in these cases to provide a default.

    "vars": {
        "FOO": "$env{FOO}",
    "extend": false

This will pass the client's value of $FOO to the job, and will error if there was no $FOO for the client. On the other hand, the job will be passed the client's $RUST_BACKTRACE, but if the client doesn't have that variable, RUST_BACKTRACE=0 will be provided.

We can use the $prev{} syntax to extract values from earlier in the array or from the specified image. For example, assume image is provided, and use_environment is set:

[{ "vars": { "PATH": "/my-bin:$prev{PATH}" }, "extend": true }]

This will prepend /my-bin to the PATH environment variable provided by the image. All other environment variables specified by the image will be preserved.

On the other hand, if we just wanted to use the image's FOO and BAR environment variables, but not any other ones it provided, we could do this:

[{ "vars": { "FOO": "$prev{FOO}", "BAR": "$prev{BAR}" }, "extend": false }]

Because extend is false, only FOO and BAR will be provided to the job.

It's possible to provide multiple environment elements. This feature is mostly aimed at programs, not humans, but it lets us provide an example that illustrates multiple features:

    { "vars": { "FOO": "foo1", "BAR": "bar1" }, "extend": false },
    { "vars": { "FOO": "foo2", "BAZ": "$env{BAZ}" }, "extend": true },
    { "vars": { "FOO": "$prev{BAZ}", "BAR": "$prev{BAR}" }, "extend": false },

The first element sets up an initial map with FOO=foo1 and BAR=bar1.

The second element sets FOO=foo2 and BAZ=<client-baz>, where <client-baz> is the client's value for $BAZ. Because extend is true, BAR isn't changed.

The third element sets FOO=<client-baz> and BAR=bar1. Because extend is false, the value for BAZ is removed. The end result is:

{ "FOO": "<client-baz>", BAR: "bar1" }

PATH Environment Variable

If the program field doesn't include a / character, then the PATH environment variable is used when searching for program, is done for execlp, execvp, and execvpe.


fn main() {
pub struct JobSpec {
    // ...
    pub layers: Vec<LayerSpec>,
    // ...

The file system layers specify what file system the program will be run with. They are stacked on top of each other, starting with the first layer, with later layers overriding earlier layers.

These Layer objects are described in the next chapter. Test runners and maelstrom-run provide ways to conveniently specify these, as described in their respective chapters.

If the image field is provided, and it contains use_layers, then the layers provided in this field are stacked on top of the layers provided by the image.


fn main() {
pub struct ContainerSpec {
    // ...
    pub mounts: Vec<JobMount>,
    // ...

pub enum JobMount {
    Bind {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
        local_path: Utf8PathBuf,
        read_only: bool,
    Devices {
        devices: EnumSet<JobDevice>,
    Devpts {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
    Mqueue {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
    Proc {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
    Sys {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
    Tmp {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,

These are extra file systems mounts put into the job's environment. They are applied in order, and the mount_point must already exist in the file system. Also the mount point must not be "/". Providing the mount point is one of the use cases for the "stubs" layer type.

Every mount type except Devices has a mount_point field, which is relative to the root of the file system, even if there is a working_directory specified.


fn main() {
pub enum JobMount {
    Bind {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
        local_path: Utf8PathBuf,
        read_only: bool,
    // ...

If the job has a bind mount, it will become a local-only job, that can only be run on the local worker, not distributed on a cluster. However, bind mounts can be a useful "escape valve" for certain jobs that are tricky to containerize.

With a bind mount, the directory at mount_point in the job's container will refer to the directory at local_path in the client. In other words, local_path made available to the job at mount_point within the container. local_path is evaluated relative to the client's project directory.

The read_only flag specifies whether or not the job can write to the directory. NOTE: the mount isn't "locked", which means that if the job really wants to, it can remount mount_point read-write and modify the contents of the directory. We may consider locking mount points in a future version of Maelstrom.


fn main() {
pub enum JobMount {
    // ...
    Devices {
        devices: EnumSet<JobDevice>,
    // ...

pub enum JobDevice {

This mount types contains the set of device files from /dev to add to the job's environment. Any subset can be specified.

Any specified device will be mounted in /dev based on its name. For example, Null would be mounted at /dev/null. For this to work, there must be a file located at the expected location in the container file system. In other words, if your job is going to specify Null, it also needs to have an empty file at /dev/null for the system to mount the device onto. This is one of the use cases for the "stubs" layer type.


fn main() {
pub enum JobMount {
    // ...
    Devpts {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
    // ...

This provides a devpts file system at the provided mount point. Maelstrom will always specify a ptmxmode=0666 option.

If this file system is mounted, it usually makes sense to also add a symlink from /dev/pts/ptmx (or wherever the file system is mounted) to /dev/ptmx. This can be done with the symlinks layer type.


fn main() {
pub enum JobMount {
    // ...
    Mqueue {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
    // ...

This provides an mqueue file system at the provided mount point.


fn main() {
pub enum JobMount {
    // ...
    Proc {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
    // ...

This provides a proc file system at the provided mount point.


fn main() {
pub enum JobMount {
    // ...
    Sys {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,
    // ...

This provides a sysfs file system at the provided mount point.

Linux disallows this mount type when using local networking. Jobs that specify both will receive an execution error and fail to run.


fn main() {
pub enum JobMount {
    // ...
    Tmp {
        mount_point: Utf8PathBuf,

This provides a tmpfs file system at the provided mount point.


fn main() {
pub struct ContainerSpec {
    // ...
    pub network: JobNetwork,
    // ...

pub enum JobNetwork {

By default, jobs are run with Disabled, which means they are completely disconnected from the network, without even a loopback interface. This means that they cannot communicate on localhost/

If this field is set to Loopback, then the job will have a loopback interface and will be able to communicate on localhost/, but otherwise will be disconnected from the network.

If this field is set to Local, the job will become a local-only job, that can only be run on the local worker, not distributed on a cluster. The job will then be run without a network namespace, meaning that it will have access to all of the local machine's network devices. Note: if the job also specifies a Sys file system mount, Linux will fail to execute the job.

In the future, we plan to add more network options that will allow clustered jobs to communicate with the network. Until that time, if a job really has to communicate on the network, it must use Local.


fn main() {
pub struct ContainerSpec {
    // ...
    pub root_overlay: JobRootOverlay,
    // ...

pub enum JobRootOverlay {
    Local {
        upper: Utf8PathBuf,
        work: Utf8PathBuf,

The root_overlay field controls whether the job's root file system should be mounted read-only or read-write, and if it is mounted read-write, whether to capture the changes the job made.

Note that this field doesn't affect any file systems specified in mounts: those will be writable.

The None value is the default, which means the job's root file system will be read-only.

The Tmp value means that / will be an overlayfs file system, with "lower" being the file system specified by the layers, and "upper" being a tmpfs file system. This will yield writable root file system. The contents of "upper" (i.e. the changes made by the job to the root file system) will be thrown away when the job terminates.

The Local value means that / will be an overlayfs file system, with "lower" being the file system specified by the layers, and "upper" being a local directory on the client. This value implies that the job will be a local-only job. When the job completes, the client can read the change it made to the root filesystem on upper. The work field must be a directory on the same file system as upper, and is used internally by overlayfs.


fn main() {
pub struct ContainerSpec {
    // ...
    pub working_directory: Option<Utf8PathBuf>,
    // ...

This specifies the directory that program is run in. The path provided in program will also be evaluated relative to this directory. If this isn't provided, / is used.


fn main() {
pub struct ContainerSpec {
    // ...
    pub user: UserId,
    // ...

pub struct UserId(u32);

This specifies the UID the program is run as.

Maelstrom runs all of its jobs in rootless containers, meaning that they don't require any elevated permissions on the host machines. All containers will be run on the host machine as the user running cargo-maelstrom, maelstrom-run, or maelstrom-worker, regardless of what this field is set as.

However, if this is field is set to 0, the program will have some elevated permissions within the container, which may be undesirable for some jobs.


fn main() {
pub struct ContainerSpec {
    // ...
    pub group: GroupId,
    // ...

pub struct GroupId(u32);

The specifies the GID the program is run as. See user for more information.

Jobs don't have any supplemental GIDs, nor is there any way to provide them.


fn main() {
pub struct JobSpec {
    // ...
    pub timeout: Option<Timeout>,
    // ...

pub struct Timeout(NonZeroU32);

This specifies an optional timeout for the job, in seconds. If the job takes longer than the timeout, Maelstrom will terminate it and return the partial results. A value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.


fn main() {
pub struct JobSpec {
    // ...
    pub estimated_duration: Option<Duration>,
    // ...

The estimated_duration field is used to allow Maelstrom to use longest-processing-time-first scheduling (LPT). It's up to clients to provide a best guess of how long a job will take. If they can't provide one, they leave this field empty.

Test runners keep track of how long previous instances of a test took and use that information to fill in this field.


fn main() {
pub struct JobSpec {
    // ...
    pub allocate_tty: Option<JobTty>,

pub struct JobTty {
    // ...

The allocate_tty field is used by maelstrom-run with the --tty command-line option to implement run the job interactively with a pseudo-terminal attached. Jobs run this way will have standard input, output, and error all associated with the allocated tty.

This can be useful for inspecting the container environment for a job.