
A container element in cargo-maelstrom.toml is just a TOML representation of a container specification.

This chapter specifies all of the fields a container element may have. These are usually pretty obvious mappings from container specification chapter.


# Example 1: Specified as a table.
# Will only use specified fields from image.
[container.example-1] = "docker://rust"
image.use = ["layers", "environment"]

# Example 2: Specified as a table without a `use` field.
# Will use all fields from image.
[container.example-2] = "docker://rust"

# Example 3: Specified as a string.
# Will use all fields from image.
image = "docker://rust"

As discussed here, a container spec can have a parent, which can either be an OCI image a named container specification. The image field is how we set the parent to an OCI image. This field cannot be specified along with the parent field.

The image field may either be a table or a string.

If it’s a table, then it must have a name sub-field that specifies the URI of the image, as documented here.

It it’s a table, it may optionally have a use sub-field (Example 1). This sub-field must be a list of strings specifying what parts of the image to inherit, taken from this set:

  • layers
  • environment
  • working_directory

If no use sub-field is specified, the container spec will inherit all available fields (Example 2).

If the field is specified as a string instead of a table, then the string value is taken as the name sub-field, with no use sub-field (Example 3).


# Example 1: Specified as a table.
# Will only use specified fields from the parent container.
[container.example-1] = "other-container"
parent.use = ["layers", "environment", "mounts"]

# Example 2: Specified as a table without a `use` field.
# Will use all fields from the parent container.
[container.example-2] = "other-container"

# Example 3: Specified as a string.
# Will use all fields from the parent container.
parent = "other-container"

As discussed here, a container spec can have a parent, which can either be an OCI image a named container specification. The parent field is how we set the parent to a named container specification. This cannot be specified along with the image field.

The parent field may either be a table or a string.

If it’s a table, then it must have a name sub-field that references the name of a container in the containers table.

It it’s a table, it may optionally have a use sub-field (Example 1). This sub-field must be a list of strings specifying what parts of the parent container to inherit, taken from this set:

  • layers
  • environment
  • working_directory
  • enable_writable_file_system
  • mounts
  • network
  • user
  • group

If no use sub-field is specified, the container spec will inherit all available fields (Example 2).

If the field is specified as a string instead of a table, then the string value is taken as the name sub-field, with no use sub-field (Example 3).

Vector Fields

The container spec has three vector fields: layers, environment, and mounts. Associated with each vector field is an associated added_* pseudo-field: added_layers, added_environment, and added_mounts.

This section describes how a job spec’s vector fields are computed by starting with the job spec’s own field value, and then prepending the values first from the parent, then the grandparent, and so on, as long as the field in question is used.

When a vector field is set through a normal field (layers, etc.), any implicitly inherited values are removed. In other words, if there is a container or image parent, that field is removed from the use set if it was there. This is like saying: “I don’t care what values were inherited, set the vector to be this new one.”

On the other hand, if a vector field is set through an added_* pseudo-field (added_layers, etc.), the use set is not modified and the container spec continues to inherit that field from its parent. This is like saying: “Keep the values that were inherited and add these new ones.”

As this can be a little confusing, we apply some sanity checks whenever vector fields are set. If a field is set through the added_* pseudo-field, then we enforce that there is a parent, and that the parent has the appropriate field in its use set.

On the other hand, setting a field through a normal field is disallowed if there is a parent and that field has been explicitly listed in the use set. The rationale is that if a field was explicitly listed in the use set and also overwritten in the same spec, then the user is probably confused. On the other hand, if the user didn’t specify use at all, then it’s probably okay to allow them to implicitly remove that field from the use set.

Finally, a field cannot be set both through the normal field and added_* pseudo-field. In this case, the user should just manually append the added_* values to the normal field.


layers = [
    { tar = "layers/foo.tar" },
    { paths = ["layers/a/b.bin", "layers/a/c.bin"], strip_prefix = "layers/a/" },
    { glob = "layers/b/**", strip_prefix = "layers/b/" },
    { stubs = ["/dev/{null, full}", "/proc/"] },
    { symlinks = [{ link = "/dev/stdout", target = "/proc/self/fd/1" }] },
    { shared-library-dependencies = ["/bin/bash"], prepend_prefix = "/usr" }

This field is a vector field that provides an ordered list of layers for the container spec’s layers field.

Each element of the list must be a table with one of the following keys:

  • tar: The value must be a string, indicating the local path of the tar file. This is used to create a tar layer.
  • glob: The value must be a string, indicating the glob pattern to use to create a glob layer. It may also include fields from prefix_options (see below).
  • paths: The value must be a list of strings, indicating the local paths of the files and directories to include to create a paths layer. It may also include fields from prefix_options (see below).
  • stubs: The value must be a list of strings. These strings are optionally brace-expanded and used to create a stubs layer.
  • symlinks: The value must be a list of tables of link/target pairs. These strings are used to create a symlinks layer.
  • shared-library-dependencies: The value must be list of strings, indicating local paths of binaries. This layer includes the set of shared libraries the binaries depend on. This includes libc and the dynamic linker. This doesn’t include the binary itself. This is used to create a shared-library-dependencies layer.

If the layer is a paths, glob, or shared-library-dependencies layer, then the table can have any of the following extra fields used to provide the prefix_options:

For example:

layers = [
    { paths = ["layers"], strip_prefix = "layers/", prepend_prefix = "/usr/share/" },

This would create a layer containing all of the files and directories (recursively) in the local layers subdirectory, mapping local file layers/example to /usr/share/example in the test’s container.

As described above, setting the layers field will overwrite any layers inherited from an image or parent field. If the goal is to append to those layers, use added_layers instead.

Path Templating

Anywhere a path is accepted in a layer, certain template variables can be used. These variables are replaced with corresponding values in the path they are present in. Template variables are surrounded by < and >. The leading < can be escaped with a double << in cases where it precedes a valid template variable expression and no template substitution is desired.

The following are valid template variables for cargo-maelstrom

  • <build-dir> The path to the directory where cargo stores build output for the current profile.

As an example, suppose you have an integration test for a binary named foo and want access to that binary when running the test. Cargo will provide the CARGO_BIN_EXE_foo environment variable at compile time which expands to the absolute path to foo. This path will depend on the profile being used: debug versus release, for example. If we want to execute it in the test though, we have to include foo in a layer at the right place.

layers = [
    { paths = ["<build-dir>/foo"], canonicalize = true },


This field is like layers, except it appends to the container spec’s inherited layers instead of replacing them. See above for more details.


environment.USER = "bob"
environment.RUST_BACKTRACE = "$env{RUST_BACKTRACE:-0}"

environment = { USER = "bob", RUST_BACKTRACE = "$env{RUST_BACKTRACE:-0}" }

This field is a vector field that provides an ordered list of environment specs for the container spec’s environment field.

This field can technically be specified in one of two ways. The first is as single table, as show in the two (equivalent) examples at the top of this section.

The second is as a vector of explicit environment specs. However, the second form is only useful for added_environment. As a result, we will save the discussion of it until then.

Setting the environment field to a map is shorthand for setting it to a vector with a single environment spec, where that environment spec has extend set to true. However, when setting environment, any inherited environment is ignored, and the extend flag has no effect.

The specified environment variables go through parameter expansion, as covered here. Since there will be no inherited environment, the $prev{} form doesn’t have much use with this field.


# Example 1.
# The end result will be two environment variables, PATH and USER. PATH will contain
# "/foo/bar/bin:" prepended to the PATH inherited from "parent". USER will be "bob".
parent = "parent"
added_environment = [
    { vars = { PATH = "/foo/bar/bin:$prev{PATH}" }, extend = false },
    { vars = { USER = "bob" }, extend = true },

# Example 2.
# The end result will be the union of the environment variables inherited from the
# specified image, plus USER, PATH, and RUST_BACKTRACE. PATH and BOB will be
# set as above. RUST_BACKTRACE will be taken from the client's environment
# variables, unless the client doesn't have that variable set, in which case it
# will be set to "0".
image = "docker://rust"
added_environment.USER = "bob"
added_environment.PATH = "/foo/bar/bin:$prev{PATH}"
added_environment.RUST_BACKTRACE = "$env{RUST_BACKTRACE:-0}"

# Example 3.
# The end result will be one environment variables, PATH, which will contain
# "/foo/bar/bin:" prepended to the PATH inherited from "parent".
parent = "parent"
added_environment = [
    { vars = { PATH = "/foo/bar/bin:$prev{PATH}" }, extend = false },

This field is like environment, except it appends to the container spec’s inherited environment specs instead of replacing them. See above for more details.

This section describes how the environment variables for a job spec are determined. A candidate map is created, then a vector of environment specs are evaluated against the candidate map to determine the actual map of environment variables.

The added_environment pseudo-field provides a way to append environment specs to inherited vector. This field can be specified one of two forms.

The first form is the full form, where a vector of environment specs are provided (Example 1). Each spec has two fields:

  • vars: A table of environment variables. Parameter expansion is performed on the values.
  • extend: Whether to extending the existing environment variables or replace them.

The second form is just a table (Example 2). This expands to a vector with a single environment spec with extend set to true. This is a useful shorthand as it’s what one wants most of the time.

It’s never strictly necessary to provide more than one element to the vector: the elements can always be collapsed. However, it is sometimes desirable to set extend to false. There is no shorthand for creating a vector of just one spec, but with extend set to false. The only way to do that is by explicitly specifying a vector of one element (Example 3). This is useful when you want to strictly control the environment variables for a job, but also want to be able to use some parent environment variables.


mounts = [
    { type = "bind", mount_point = "/mnt", local_path = "data-for-job", read_only = true },
    { type = "devices", devices = [ "full", "fuse", "null", "random", "shm", "tty", "urandom", "zero" ] },
    { type = "devpts", mount_point = "/dev/pts" },
    { type = "mqueue", mount_point = "/dev/mqueue" },
    { type = "proc", mount_point = "/proc" },
    { type = "sys", mount_point = "/sys" },
    { type = "tmp", mount_point = "/tmp" },

This field is a vector field that provides an ordered list of mounts for the container spec’s mounts field. It must be a list of tables, each of which is a TOML translation of the corresponding type described here.


This field is like mounts, except it appends to the container spec’s inherited mounts instead of replacing them. See above for more details.

Scalar Fields

The container spec has five scalar fields: working_directory, network, enable_writable_file_system, user, and group.

This section describes how a job spec’s scalar fields are computed by starting with the job spec’s own field value, and traversing up the inheritance chain until a value is found, stopping either when the chain ends or the field in question not in a use field.

If no value is found, then the default value is used, as documented in the corresponding sections here.

Setting a scalar field while also explicitly listing it in the use set is an error. The rationale is the same as given above for vector fields.


working_directory = "/home/root/"

This field sets the working_directory field of the container spec. It must be a string.


network = "loopback"

This field sets the network field of the container spec. It must be a string. It defaults to "disabled".


enable_writable_file_system = true

This field sets the enable_writable_file_system field of the container spec. It must be a boolean.


user = 1000

This field sets the user field of the container spec. It must be an unsigned, 32-bit integer.


group = 1000

This field sets the group field of the container spec. It must be an unsigned, 32-bit integer.