Directive Fields

This chapter specifies all of the possible fields for a directive. Most, but not all, of these fields have an obvious mapping to job-spec fields.


This field must be a string, which is interpreted as a test filter pattern. The directive only applies to tests that match the filter. If there is no filter field, the directive applies to all tests.

Sometimes it is useful to use multi-line strings for long patterns:

filter = """
package.equals(maelstrom-client) ||
package.equals(maelstrom-client-process) ||
package.equals(maelstrom-container) ||
package.equals(maelstrom-fuse) ||
layers = [{ stubs = ["/tmp/"] }]
mounts = [{ type = "tmp", mount_point = "/tmp" }]


include_shared_libraries = true

This boolean field sets the include_shared_libraries job spec pseudo-field. We call it a pseudo-field because it's not a real field in the job spec, but instead determines how cargo-maelstrom will do its post-processing after computing the job spec from directives.

In post-processing, if the include_shared_libraries pseudo-field is false, cargo-maelstrom will only push a single layer onto the job spec. This layer will contain the test executable, placed in the root directory.

On the other hand, if the pseudo-field is true, then cargo-maelstrom will push two layers onto the job spec. The first will be a layer containing all of the shared-library dependencies for the test executable. The second will contain the test executable, placed in the root directory. (Two layers are used so that the shared-library layer can be cached and used by other tests.)

If the pseudo-field is never set one way or the other, then cargo-maelstrom will choose a value based on the image field of the job spec. In this case, include_shared_libraries will be true if and only if image is not specified.

You usually want this pseudo-field to be true, unless you're using a container image for your tests. In that case, you probably want to use the shared libraries included with the container image, not those from the system running the tests.


Sometimes it makes sense to build your test's container from an OCI container image. For example, when we do integration tests of cargo-maelstrom, we want to run in an environment with cargo installed.

This is what the image field is for. It is used to set the job spec's image field.

filter = "package.equals(cargo-maelstrom)" = "docker://rust"
image.use = ["layers", "environment"]

The image field may either be a string or a table. If it's a string, then it's assumed to be the URI of the image to use, as documented here. In this case, the job spec will have use_layers and use_environment both set to true.

If the image field is a table, then it must have a name subfield and optionally may have a use subfield.

The name sub-field specifies the name of the image. It must be a string. It specifies the URI of the image to use, as documented here.

The use sub-field must be a list of strings specifying what parts of the container image to use for the job spec. It must contain a non-empty subset of:

  • layers: This sets the use_layers field in the job spec's image value.
  • environment: This sets the use_environment field in the job spec's image value.
  • working_directory: This sets the use_working_directory field in the job spec's image value.

If the use sub-field isn't specified, then the job spec will have use_layers and use_environment both set to true.

For example, the following directives all have semantically equivalent image fields:

filter = "package.equals(package-1)" = "docker://rust"
image.use = ["layers", "environment"]

filter = "package.equals(package-2)"
image = { name = "docker://rust", use = ["layers", "environment"] }

filter = "package.equals(package-3)" = "docker://rust"

filter = "package.equals(package-4)"
image = { name = "docker://rust" }

filter = "package.equals(package-5)"
image = "docker://rust"


layers = [
    { tar = "layers/foo.tar" },
    { paths = ["layers/a/b.bin", "layers/a/c.bin"], strip_prefix = "layers/a/" },
    { glob = "layers/b/**", strip_prefix = "layers/b/" },
    { stubs = ["/dev/{null, full}", "/proc/"] },
    { symlinks = [{ link = "/dev/stdout", target = "/proc/self/fd/1" }] },
    { shared-library-dependencies = ["/bin/bash"], prepend_prefix = "/usr" }

This field provides an ordered list of layers for the job spec's layers field.

Each element of the list must be a table with one of the following keys:

  • tar: The value must be a string, indicating the local path of the tar file. This is used to create a tar layer.
  • paths: The value must be a list of strings, indicating the local paths of the files and directories to include to create a paths layer. It may also include fields from prefix_options (see below).
  • glob: The value must be a string, indicating the glob pattern to use to create a glob layer. It may also include fields from prefix_options (see below).
  • stubs: The value must be a list of strings. These strings are optionally brace-expanded and used to create a stubs layer.
  • symlinks: The value must be a list of tables of link/target pairs. These strings are used to create a symlinks layer.
  • shared-library-dependencies: The value must be list of strings, indicating local paths of binaries. This layer includes the set of shared libraries the binaries depend on. This includes libc and the dynamic linker. This doesn't include the binary itself.

If the layer is a paths, glob, or shared-library-dependencies layer, then the table can have any of the following extra fields used to provide the prefix_options:

For example:

layers = [
    { paths = ["layers"], strip_prefix = "layers/", prepend_prefix = "/usr/share/" },

This would create a layer containing all of the files and directories (recursively) in the local layers subdirectory, mapping local file layers/example to /usr/share/example in the test's container.

This field can't be set in the same directive as image if the image.use contains "layers".

Path Templating

Anywhere a path is accepted in a layer, certain template variables can be used. These variables are replaced with corresponding values in the path they are present in. Template variables are surrounded by < and >. The leading < can be escaped with a double << in cases where it precedes a valid template variable expression and no template substitution is desired.

The following are valid template variables for cargo-maelstrom

  • <build-path> The path to the directory where cargo stores build output for the current profile.

As an example, suppose you have an integration test for a binary named foo and want access to that binary when running the test. Cargo will provide the CARGO_BIN_EXE_foo environment variable at compile time which expands to the absolute path to foo. If we want to execute it in the test though, we have to include foo in a layer at the right place.

filter = "test.equals(foo_integration_test)"
layers = [
    { paths = ["<build-path>/foo"], canonicalize = true }


This field is like layers, except it appends to the job spec's layers field instead of replacing it.

This field can be used in the same directive as an image.use that contains "layers". For example:

[[directives]] = "cool-image"
image.use = ["layers"]
added_layers = [
    { paths = [ "extra-layers" ], strip_prefix = "extra-layers/" },

This directive sets uses the layers from "cool-image", but with the contents of local extra-layers directory added in as well.


environment = {
    USER = "bob",

This field sets the environment field of the job spec. It must be a table with string values. It supports two forms of $ expansion within those string values:

  • $env{FOO} evaluates to the value of cargo-maelstrom's FOO environment variable.
  • $prev{FOO} evaluates to the previous value of FOO for the job spec.

It is an error if the referenced variable doesn't exist. However, you can use :- to provide a default value:

FOO = "$env{FOO:-bar}"

This will set FOO to whatever cargo-maelstrom's FOO environment variable is, or to "bar" if cargo-maelstrom doesn't have a FOO environment variable.

This field can't be set in the same directive as image if the image.use contains "environment".


This field is like environment, except it updates the job spec's environment field instead of replacing it.

When this is provided in the same directive as the environment field, the added_environment gets evaluated after the environment field. For example:

environment = { VAR = "foo" }

environment = { VAR = "bar" }
added_environment = { VAR = "$prev{VAR}" }

In this case, VAR will be "bar", not "foo".

This field can be used in the same directive as an image.use that contains "environment". For example:

image = { name = "my-image", use = [ "layers", "environment" ] }
added_environment = { PATH = "/scripts:$prev{PATH}" }

This prepends "/scripts" to the PATH provided by the image without changing any of the other environment variables.


mounts = [
    { type = "bind", mount_point = "/mnt", local_path = "data-for-job", read_only = true },
    { type = "devices", devices = [ "full", "fuse", "null", "random", "shm", "tty", "urandom", "zero" ] },
    { type = "devpts", mount_point = "/dev/pts" },
    { type = "mqueue", mount_point = "/dev/mqueue" },
    { type = "proc", mount_point = "/proc" },
    { type = "sys", mount_point = "/sys" },
    { type = "tmp", mount_point = "/tmp" },

This field sets the mounts field of the job spec. It must be a list of tables, each of which is a TOML translation of the corresponding job-spec type.


This field is like mounts, except it appends to the job spec's mounts field instead of replacing it.


working_directory = "/home/root/"

This field sets the working_directory field of the job spec. It must be a string.

This field can't be set in the same directive as image if the image.use contains "working_directory".


network = "loopback"

This field sets the network field of the job spec. It must be a string. It defaults to "disabled".


enable_writable_file_system = true

This field sets the enable_writable_file_system field of the job spec. It must be a boolean.


user = 1000

This field sets the user field of the job spec. It must be an unsigned, 32-bit integer.


group = 1000

This field sets the group field of the job spec. It must be an unsigned, 32-bit integer.


timeout = 60

This field sets the timeout field of the job spec. It must be an unsigned, 32-bit integer.


ignore = true

This field specifies that any tests matching the directive should not be run.
When tests are run, ignored tests are displayed with a special "ignored" state.
When tests are listed, ignored tests are listed normally.