Command-Line Options

In addition the command-line options for used to specify configuration values described in the previous chapter, maelstrom-run supports these command-line options:


Read job specifications from the provided file instead of from standard input.


Run in “one” mode.

This flag conflicts with --tty.

The job specifications to run can be provided with --file or on standard input. If provided on standard input, maelstrom-run will stop reading once it has read one complete job specification. If multiple job specifications are provided with --file, only the first one is used: the rest are discarded.

If any positional command-line arguments are provided, they will replace the program and arguments fields of the provided job specification.


Run in TTY mode.

This flag conflicts with --one.

The job specifications to run can be provided with --file or on standard input. If provided on standard input, maelstrom-run will stop reading once it has read one complete job specification. If multiple job specifications are provided with --file, only the first one is used: the rest are discarded.

If any positional command-line arguments are provided, they will replace the program and arguments fields of the provided job specification.

After the job specification has been read, maelstrom-run will start the job and attempt to connect to its TTY. Once that happens, the program will take over the local terminal in the same way SSH does, and will just forward data between the local terminal and the job’s terminal, and vice versa.